The biggest questions in life...

Since the days of ancient stargazers, questions about the cosmos have been intertwined with humanity's quest for meaning. 

Where did we come from?

Why are we here?

What's beyond Earth?

Is the world round or flat?

It’s these kinds of questions we’re here to consider. Here's a basic summary of some questions we will look into:


What is Earth’s history?

Is the world round or flat?

How could the world end?

The Universe

When did the universe begin?

Is the universe expanding?

Is there life beyond Earth?


Why are were here?

How are humans and animals different?

What happens when you die?


Why are there so many wars?

Who’s right, conservatives or liberals?

Is America on the verge of civil war?


Does God exist?

Why is there both good and evil?

How do I find peace?